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Getto pikinini ConfidentSoSolarJunction395
Yah rapping west side yu no,boys from the getto,his head is like metal,STK bullets ples blo ol dog,dump yard,fourteen,masalai na beach crew,DBS,KS,Bulldogs na gor²,peles weh olgeta mahn isa hatim,peles weh law isa ol tiem breaking,time nogut na gutpela time,katim golo market na laitim 1pla 1 pack,wantem 1pla lus packet,headd e spin pinis,umii go town pinis,na wokim clown pinis till displa crowds pinis,olim displa metal na kisim displa medal,kimani chase na umii race,boys play well survive the match,unfortunately some are not,parents say stop it,but it's hard to stop,it's in my blood,you know seeing a brother getting sucked by the police Lucky me holeis so long as we oldies. Kam lo kimbe,kam stret lo Bullets STK,peles weh olo geta mahn isa hatim,peles weh law isa breaking,cos we living how we saying rebel family be slaying all day. And yo first of shut the fuck up and let me explain said shit about ol bata cruze in kimbe town,we got bag of weed with loaded stapler,yu slap me once and shoot you twice block² right at yah...traipla sun I hot na nogat onepla wok gen taitim onepla akrang,na umii shot wara..brukim onepla plan na umii go pairap lo be blo town apim displa tool na tokim hool lo play cool,apim displa oma na Karim haus dua,next minute displa police stap lo haus dua,kisim displa suspect na wokim osem aspect,brukim leg han belong em na Karim em go lo cell,but unfortunately displa baga em no kam Bek gen, ino stap cell na ino stap he'll too,em Mas stap lo weh,lo hool belong yu too,nadla bata lukim na ino senis pasin yet,apim displa Kaya na stuckim lo displa hevi mahn yah,blary double tounge,kpp no sawe lo pasim disla cup maus,turangu go pulim lain wantem family tree next minute fight em buruk upla kam osem na mepla kam osem bung lo namel exchange tool go ikam, staple na paia wax,sling wantem katapel,bush knife na maus wantem, na displa battle ba continue inap tulait buruk,mahn kisim bagarap,pait igo strong more yet,susa loadim ston na mama putim buai simuk,bata sanap pait na papa sanap brace lo em,na time blo steretim community putim bel wantem,next minute displa bata kamap bata Bek gen,umii raun² spetim buai simuk,kai² sampla flour balls raun section igo ikam,bam lo onepla luck gen,apim onepla katen,singout go tulait gen,beer pinis wokim nadla move gen,pundaun parap na betim displa horse gen,kisim displa coins gen,apim onepla ken gen,nogat mahn ba tok² ,tasol displa unkol lukim displa muruk Garas,em ba suruk arap,before Tyre pairap na displa gun ba pairap,haus lain painim yu stap pinis inside lo human zoo,unkol sindaun ken nogat freedom ken,regret ken lo displa onepla ken,em kisim ken na now em het pen,em lukim ken displa life em ino easy, unkol downim head na sindaun sore usat mahn ba helpim ken,tingim Bek ol freedom days raun² go ikam nogat onepla mahn ba harm,yu no sex is a sensation kos by temptation to increase the population for the next generation do yu need an explanation or do need a demonstration this information ikam lo education